After a long trip with the family, it feels good to be home. Of course, that means I have work to do. Mounds of laundry, dirty floors.. Glad Steve got me almond milk for my coffee and bagels with hummus to start off my days with!
Our poor kitty Chicken (Chicken Head) is going to the vet today. She's developed a wheeze and cough while I was away. She's seeing her PCP, Dr. Roberts and I'm anxiously awaiting the diagnosis. We moved into an old house this past summer. It was built in the 1920s, so there is plenty of dust, dirt, and mold for her to get into. Also recently had iron deposits in our water. I guess Steve forgot my advice to use only filtered water in their kitty fountain. I checked the filter today and it was covered in iron colored sludge! Time for a new one.. Also, their new stainless steel bowls were a bit dirty. So I hope it is just the environment and not her poor little body.

It is funny how quickly I can dirty a kitchen. I feel like there is so much to clean and organize and sanitize already. Unpacking sounds daunting, my suitcase is bigger and heavier than me! I have a hard time relaxing when there's so much work to do. I am definitely taking some couch time today though, watching Martha and ANTM!
Happy Friday!